Workers’ Compensation in Idaho: Know Your Rights

If you’re injured or suffer from a work-related illness or disease, workers’ compensation insurance is there to provide medical and financial benefits. Employers are legally required to carry this insurance, which covers medical bills, lost wages, permanent injury benefits, and permanent disability benefits. The purpose of workers’ compensation is to ensure you don’t have to

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Auto Insurance Best Practices: What You Need to Know

Idaho law requires all drivers to carry auto insurance, but understanding the best practices for maintaining coverage is key to protecting yourself and others on the road. Following these best practices ensures you’re compliant and well-prepared in case of an accident. Exceed Minimum Coverage Requirements Idaho mandates liability insurance with minimums of $25,000 for bodily

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Don’t fall victim to an uninsured or underinsured driver

An accident involving an uninsured or underinsured motorist is unfortunate – for everyone involved. In this instance let’s assume that you are the one holding up your end of the bargain, and the other motorist is the one without coverage. Idaho operates under a fault-based insurance system, meaning that whoever is determined to be at

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The best bet on insurance? A local agent.

Shopping for auto insurance is pretty straightforward, right? Find out the minimum coverage required by law and by your auto finance company, then Google up the company that can provide it for the least amount of money. After that you tick the boxes that will cost the least. It’s a common approach, but one that

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Worker’s Comp: It’s not a blame game.

Here’s a common question we hear in worker’s comp cases: “But what if it was my fault?” And many people are surprised by the answer: “It probably doesn’t matter.” Worker’s compensation law is designed to be a no-fault system. That means workers are protected no matter who was at fault in an injury accident. Injured

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Don’t Let Your Auto Coverage Leave You Exposed

While you’re making New Year’s assessments of the state of your life, take an extra moment to evaluate your motor vehicle insurance coverage. Much attention is given to the premiums you pay for your coverage, but even more scrutiny should be given to the actual coverage being purchased. To fulfill Idaho minimum legal requirements, motorists

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Idaho Attorneys with SSDI Expertise

In our previous blog post, Navigating Social Security Disability Pitfalls, we covered a variety of ways one can get stuck while working through the Social Security Disability claim process. In this post, we explain why it’s critical to work with an experienced attorney with a proven positive track record in Social Security Disability, you make

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